Saturday, May 15, 2010

No Guns or Pens in The Park!

Yesterday on the way to drop Regan off at school, she happened to notice the sign in the park. We have driven by these signs five days a week for over 9 months too......

So she says to me "No guns or pens in the park!"

Of course I am dumbfounded and confused! lol I ask her where she saw that and she said "the sign says no guns or pens in the park - I saw it!" Of course I missed the sign and have no idea why she thinks something is a pen. I asked if she was sure it was a pen. She said, " You cannot bring a gun and no pens because when you make a mistake, you cannot erase it!"

Thankfully there was another sign a little ways down, and it turns out the other symbol was a syringe. I can't remember the last time she made me laugh like that! I love the way her mind works!!


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