Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's Going so Fast

It is getting so depressing around here these days! :o(

My little girl is trying so hard to be that big girl that can do everything for herself. For instance, in the mornings, she insists that she can and will get her own bowl down, pour her cereal and milk and even make her morning juice, complete with her vitamins and all.

I was thinking yesterday how I was like her, only probably worse at her age. At about 7 I was waking up on Saturday mornings and making myself scrambled eggs - on the stove! Thinking back I realized that Regan is almost 6 and I was doing this at an age not much older than her. This scared the SHIT out of me! lol

I have always been very independent! And I have watched Regan try her hardest to follow in my footsteps. As a mom, it is very hard to let this happen. In a way I know I should be encouraging these changes, but I don't wanna! *insert pout here.....

With the baby coming, everything she can do for herself will be an immense help to me. But at the same time, growing up as quickly as I did wasn't always fun. I mean, once you are old enough to do everything for yourself, you are no longer able to ask for help when you want the coddling from your parents. It really is hard!

In the last few months Regan has really astounded me with her maturity and her sense of her surroundings. She is so aware of what time is it, what needs to happen, what is not okay and schedules! She really is a big girl and it saddens me to the core!

I know she will be so helpful when I need an extra hand next year, but I am hoping that she won't have to worry about me or the baby. That she helps when she wants to and enjoys the hell out of her childhood!!

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