Monday, December 7, 2009


I think I may need to start putting disclosures on my entries.

Please keep in mind that this blog's purpose is for me to express feelings, frustrations, emotions, talk about my family and things that happen to me. It is my own personal diary that I share with those who care to read it!

RARELY is anything ever intended to be malicious or to hurt people!

I have strong opinions and feel very passionately about a lot of things!

This is what I use my blog for! To get these thoughts and feelings out.

I don't shove them down anyone's throat, as they are here for others to read IF they choose to!

This blog has actually been a great resource for me. Starting with the death of my Mamaw a few years ago. Being able to write my feelings and experiences down helped SO much. It was probably the best coping tool for me. More recently it helped me to make peace with a few things that had been bothering me.

I swear getting things down into words really helps me cope and/or "get the demons out".

As with the title of my blog I'm "Just Being Me". So if ever you feel offended by my writings, just take it with a bit of humor and a grain of salt! It's half for my release and the other half for a little comical asshole idiocracy!


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