Monday, July 13, 2009

Is there a Balance?

You know, here lately it seems that my life is either pretty great or I am facing turmoil with a friend or family member. I find that when I want to write about the great things happening in my life, I may come off braggish (even though that is not my intent), so I usually stop writing those entries; or that I am bitching about how someone has wronged or hurt me. Certainly there is a middle ground here, but for some reason those are the topics that, truly, are far less interesting (to who? me!? maybe everyone?!) and that there really isn't much to tell!

For instance, Sunday we woke at 6:15 am to see Bub's mom, step-dad and niece off. They spent 3 days here after taking a scenic drive from Oregon. Well, since we were up we figured we might as well make a day of it! So just shy of 7 we headed to Walmart to get Regan's school supplies. So I decided, since this was a turning point for my soon to be Kindergartener that I would bring my camera along and document her experience. Well, we stop into McDonald's at the front of the store for a quick breakfast and then head to the school supply isle. This is when I hoped to capture some great memories and too, have something to blog about. Well, a certain 5 year old decided to be a pain in the butt and the last thing I wanted to do was "capture" this moment! Truth be told I couldn't believe I let my husband con me into "you should take her with you to get her supplies so she can help pick them out". I knew far better than that, but didn't want to look like the bad mom. Next time, I will stick with my mom gut and do what I always do.......keep things as easy as possible. Easy equals shopping ALONE when she is at school! I get 2 days a week to accomplish shopping tasks interruption free and for good cause! lol

Anyways, our trip included lots of the normal issues. Her wandering away from the basket, the constant reminders that if she does not stay close she will return to sitting IN the basket. Then, upon choices of her supplies, she always wanted what she couldn't select even though we showed her the colors, etc she could choose from. The list said plain #2 pencils. No colors or designs. She is crying because she was the multicolored pack........the list said she had to have Fiskars brand scissors....she has a choice between green, blue red or orange.....she wants the pink pair for the 6+ year olds that are not Fiskars......sigh. So needless to say it was definitely memorable, but really nothing to write home (or a blog) about. We made it out of the store alive, and with all our supplies except one! Now hopefully I will remember to get it before she heads off to school!

Well, I guess it's these little things that are my daily life I should be writing about! Life certainly is speeding past and Regan is growing up so fast!

I plan to start writing a little bit of everything, fascinating or not. Hopefully I won't bore everyone to tears! lol


Unlikely Oilfield Wife said...

Personally, I like hearing about little things that happen in people's lives, like school supply shopping. I have to remind myself that I'm writing my blog for me, and if anyone else digs it, that's cool. I never think you're boring at all! I DO though think you are a saint to take your 5 year old along for school shopping! :)

Just Being Me said...

Thanks! LOL

I guess when I am mad and fired up I get such a response that I feel like that is when I write the best or can figure out how to express what is going on!

Saint, no! Crazy.....more than likely! heehee