Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thankful for our Military

So today is the day that our country celebrates our independence! Like MANY other holidays I feel that it's meaning is lost in the "celebrating", at times even on me! When the thought of the 4th rolls around the first thing that comes to mind for everyone is....BBQs, fireworks, people partying and getting drunk..... The meaning behind this day gets lost!

I hate it!!

I didn't really grow up in a political family, or one with enlisted family members. Well, My Papaw was in the Navy, but not much is spoken about his career. I had an Uncle who passed away in 78 after I think fighting in the Vietnam war, and I had an Uncle by marriage who served in the Army, but he was stationed all over and it wasn't a presence in my life.

I am VERY grateful to the men and women who serve and protect our country.....and really everyone and everything I love! I think that anyone who is willing to sacrifice their time with their family, the births of their children, memories, their safety and even their lives to protect everyone else is just amazing!

I have a lil cousin who is a Marine. And let me tell you, he is a walking poster for the Marines. His passion and strength and devotion for the Marines is commendable. He really loves his country and is willing to fight and die for what he believes in! On his Myspace there is a picture of him with a huge grin and below it says "
If you were A Marine at age 18, You'd be happy too..:)" I love it!

My cousin David....if you'd like to send him words of appreciation let me know and I can send you his Myspace info!

As a mom it is hard to imagine having your child so far away and really, in harms way. Not knowing if, when or in what condition you will see your child in again. As I write this my throat is swollen with a knot in it and I keep fighting away the tears. I really am amazed that there are such giving and brave people out there who would do anything for their country!

So, even though some will not remember why we are celebrating this holiday, I for one will be thinking of those serving us, those who have lost their lives or family members and those in the future that will do the same as those before them! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what you do and being who you are! I know that my life and the life of my child is better because of all the sacrifices made by our service men and women! I hope that each of you know how special you are and always feel the appreciation you have earned and deserve!! Please keep up the good work and know that your dedication is not in vain!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said, dear. I admire our troops as well.

Your cousin also doesn't look bad in his uniform either ;)

Hope ya'll had a great 4th!