Thursday, July 23, 2009

Do Your Job....and RIGHT if Possible!!

How hard is it really to perform a task? Especially one you get paid for.....AND that isn't rock science??! I usually don't rant about stuff like this because everyone has off days and makes mistakes but I am pissed!

At the end of my shopping journey this afternoon (Old Navy, Target, Home Depot) I have to pick up mild and juice and a few other things so I go next door to Walmart. I must say it was a record for me between the time I spent in there "browsing" and that fact that I spent a whole whopping $24 this is less than half of what I spend, even if I go in two days in a row!

Anyways, I buy the Great Value apple juice and usually get 4 at a visit. Today, since I had put our last gallon in the fridge a few days ago I decided to get 5. I KNEW I should have done what I always do cause it kicked me in the butt.

As I am leaving since I didn't want her to bag the juices I had to show my receipt at the door. I'm used to it and have it out cause I always have something not bagged. Well he counted, and recounted, asked my how many juices and counted again. He then hands me back my receipt and tells me I have to go to the customer service counter because she charged me for 6! Go figure, right?! Well, I wasn't mad. I wasn't in a hurry and thankfully there was no one at customer service. I really just felt like as ass getting my $2.03 cents back. But it was quick and painless.

So I get home a while ago and realize the same cashier didn't even give me my damn milk! Hell, I was standing right in front, waiting for the guy to count my juices long enough that she would have been able to bring it had she have been paying attention!

So now I am mad. Not only did she waste my time having to get a refund, now I have to go back and get my milk. That I paid for. As if one trip wasn't enough!

I mean, really, two huge screw ups in one small checkout. Where exactly is your head woman?! I don't ask for much, but damn! I really think they need to start requiring something more than a HS diploma for people to work! Cause some people need more to function at a normal working environment! UGH!

I hope I am still this fired up when I go back. Lucky for them I don't have time to make a trip back there and then home again. I'll have to wait until I pick Regan up and we are on our way home! I think it's BS and they need to hire competent people! ......Just so you know I am yelling the F word in my head! It is all I can do not to write it here too! LOL

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1 comment:

Irritated said...

I know right! Drives me nuts! I always make them mad because I turn the bag rack and check for myself!