Sigh, I am officially the meanest mom on the street! :o(
While no one has said I am, and more importantly my child hasn't either, this is how I am feeling!
We live on a block that ends as a cul-de-sac. Because of this, our neighbors, with children all under the age of 8, allow them to ride their bikes in the street. From day one this shocked me! Keep in mind we have sidewalks on both sides of the street!
Maybe they trust their child to "watch for cars", but what about the cars not watching or even seeing these kids on their bikes! For example, last week I was leaving the house about 9:30 in the morning. As I am backing out the driveway, I don't see any cars or anything and proceed to back into the street. Right before I reached where the sidewalk is, out of the corner of my eye I saw something so I stopped. Two kids on bikes were coming up the street fast as can be. I didn't see them until they were headed behind my truck because the neighbor's truck parked on the road was blocking my view of them. My heart was pounding because I honestly would have backed over these kids, no joke!
Why are these parents putting their children at the mercy of others??
Anyways, after dance class today, I decided to clean out my Element and sweep the mulch off the driveway (dang rain!). Well, the whole neighborhood seemed to be out visiting, and all the kids riding their bikes up and down the block. Of course the girls all came by the house to chat with Regan, asking if she could ride her bike. My answer of course is "Baby, you cannot ride your bike in the road, you know that." So Regan tells the little girl she is not allowed to ride in the street. Get this, the little girl - 5 years old says "I can watch you". Holy shit, really?! I felt like I was in a parallel universe!
Within minutes 5 different girls have come up to see if Regan can go ride her bike with them. I felt HORRIBLE! Like I was the meanest mom ever. It is so hard to tell your child they cannot do something when, and I'm not exaggerating, the entire street is traipsing up and down our block. Even the lady across the street's 3 year old is allowed to play in the road!
But you know, I have to give it to her.....she never threw a fit or cried about it. She just accepted it for what it was. I was so proud of her. Cause I think she understood the reasoning. But even still, I felt so guilty. I called her over and told her that I was sorry that they were all able to ride in the street when she couldn't. That I knew it seemed unfair. But that I was worried that something bad would happen. I briefly told her about those girls I didn't see until the last minute. She said "they could have gotten hurt or even died, huh momma?" I said "yes baby. I don't want anything bad to happen to you so I cannot be like all the other parents and let you go in the road".
This really does not make me happy. And you know, this is just the start. Summer is almost here and short of them blocking off the street, I will never allow her to ride up and down in the road by herself! My daughter is far to precious to risk anything happening to her! She is a blessing and I will always treat her as such. Even if I am the mean mom! I am really frustrated with the parents being so lax around here. It really makes things more difficult for others who have rules against things like this! Sigh!
My neighbors let the kids play in the street also but we don't live on a cul-de-sac. I don't understand it either but I guess I'm a mean mom too since I don't let my girls ride their bikes in the street either. Oh well. It's tough to be the only one with sense on your block. ;-)
You are right in your decision! My boss said when her kids were growing up and they called her mean, she replied, "Good I am doing my job!" I know it's hard but your consistency is paying off, that's evident by her just accepting it!
I do feel like I am the only one with sense. Since when are the cautious ones the minority?!
I guess you're right Angie, but why does it feel so awful?
I'm sorry that you felt like a mean mommy. I think it feels awful because we probably went through it when we were little ourselves. That's wonderful that Regan was so understanding! Kudos to you girl for being a great mommy, looking out for your baby!
Thanks Maria! I guess these decisions will probably continue to get harder!
We have the same problem in our subdivision. My girls are NOT allowed to ride in the street unless dh and I are with them. In fact, they're not even allowed to play in the front yard unless a grown up is around and if they are walking to the neighbor's then they MUST stay on the sidewalk.
A few days ago I nearly hit a neighbors kid who was in the street on a 4 wheeler, he would not move out the way.
Our homeowner's association is addressing this problem right now and I have a feeling that bikes and 4 wheelers are about to be banned from the street altogether. I'm gonna vote yes on that.
Ease yourself. I am the meanest mom. Although, it was probably my kid who was in the street. He is almost 13 & I am trying to loosen my grips a little. You look like you live in my neighborhood, but I don't have sidewalks. I usually roll down my car window & tell kids to ride/walk on the sidewalk. In which my children usually die of embarrassment. Keep being mean. I raised 3 so far, with nothing bad happening to them. I just have 1 left. His dad is making me loosen my grip.
We live in Broussard. The children that are in the street are no where near being 13. They are more like 4-8 years old! To me just too young, especially with sidewalks there for all to use!
Glad I am not the only mean one around! lol
They take it all for granted - that the village is volunteering to help them watch their kids without being asked ...
Continue to be the meanest mom on the block. My street ends in a cul-de-sac and I am at the head of the cul-de-sac. So many times people are lost and trying to get out of the neighborhood the fly down to the end of the street and whip around in the cul-de-sac. I always fear they'll hit a child, a car backing out or one of the many dear that pass on our streets. The speed limit is 25 but people floor it down here about 40 mph thinking they are finally getting out of the neighborhood :O
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