Thursday, February 5, 2009

All Things Me!

I always wonder if people think that I, being a stay-at-home-mom, probably sits around on the computer all day or watch soaps or go shopping all day! While some of these things may be partially true, there are SO many things that I do!!

One of the biggest aspects of my life, besides being a wife and mother, is my playgroup!

A little over 4 years ago I started a playgroup to meet some moms in the area. I got on a website called Meetup , made up a group, picked a name and before I knew it I met the first of many terrific friends! This group is the first in the area and has watched many groups come and go! The secret to the success of a large group of women is that everyone treats everyone with respect and we all are really a big extended family! We meet twice a week for playdates and throughout the month we also have mom's day out lunches, and mom's night's out. I have a great time putting everything together and truly have the greatest friends!!

Another thing that is important in my life is Charities! With the help of my family, friends and playgroup ladies throughout the year we help where we can!!

The way I look at it this is my community and my child's future! The more help I can offer to better the world we live in, the more I will continue to try to do!! In the fall I will start my volunteering locally as well!

I am also the room mom at Regan's dance class. Every Monday Regan has dance class and every Holiday I figure out how to do something fun for the kids and the teachers. Below is the Valentine's bags I worked on last night and today for the kids! As of now they are all laced with ribbon and I just need to figure out what to buy the teachers!!

Regan really loves to dance! I hope she goes far!

Also on Monday's I have my own dance class! My dance partner AJ and I have been taking a Cha Cha class for about 4 months now! I love it! When it runs it's course and I am ready to move on I intend on finishing up with West Coast Swing and then starting belly dancing! Did I ever mention I LOVE to dance?!?!

So on top of these things I also clean my house, do laundry, cook, visit family, pay the bills, have lunch with my friends, take Regan skating and whatever else might pop up..........

I can't complain though! Not one bit! I love what I do and I love my exhausting, sometimes never ending days! It is who I am and well, that's all I can be!

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