Saturday, January 17, 2009

Random Thoughts for the Day!

If I worked at a butcher's or a meat packing place, would I be a vegetarian?

Why do women have all the "things"? ie: periods, cramps, sore boobs, have to shave everything, get pregnant only to gain weight, get stretch marks, saggy boobs, labor pains, lactating, postpartum depression, then there is always breast cancer and menopause. Someone please tell me what men deal with???

What makes cat people love cats and dog people love dogs? And those in between love everything else?

I think a house without plants just doesn't make sense! It changes the whole vibe of a house I think!

Isn't it weird that when you are 12 or so, being 18 seems like an eternity away. But when you are 18 it really came pretty quick and you don't remember what the big damn deal was!

Why is it so easy for some people to have 3 and 4 or more kids, while people like me are scared to have number 2? Hmmmm.

Why do some people have the opportunity to grow old with their mate or watch your kids grow old and others lose them early? How do you get picked to be the lucky ones to have your family for always?

I know I sound like a child, but why do things have to change? Why do people have to grow old and die?

Why do we never realize when we are in the moment that it will be a cherished one so we can take advantage of it! We always realize later how special it was then hope we relished it enough for the memory to carry us through the years!

It amazes how quickly things can change! From people to emotions to life! Just amazing!

Is it possible to be friends with people who's lifestyle and choices are conflicting with your beliefs?

Where are all the good movies at?? I can't remember the last time an AMAZING movie came out! Especially an amazing horror flick! I am totally jones-ing for a great scary movie!

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