Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Commander in Chief!

Well, today our new president takes his place at the podium and as the ruler of our great nation!

I unfortunately did not vote this year. Though registered, I was in the process of moving into our new house and just couldn't take the time to stand in lines. Had I have voted, I would have cast it in favor of Obama. Now, living her in Southern Louisiana I found that I am among the minority with my choice of people. But, everyone has their own reasons for who they choose and I am no different!

First I want to say that not only am I happy that Obama won because I truly believe he can be a great help in fixing our country, but I also can't help but feel warm inside that our nation has finally stepped away from the premise that women and "colored" people would never run our country! HA! Okay, that was slightly immature, but since the election I have been thrilled that in my lifetime I was able to bear witness to something like this!

I am not watching the inauguration today. I have never watched the previous ones and really don't have any interest to watch it today! History has been made and watching a big "party" or not doesn't change that! I will have 4 years to see Obama on TV.

I hope he bring us all to where we need to be and lives up to the expectations we have!

God Bless America!!


Unlikely Oilfield Wife said...

You're not alone, we're another Obama family down here in southern Louisiana! It's a great day :)

sarahandava said...

I love your blog!!! We are also part of the selected few here in southern Louisiana who voted for Obama!!! I am just glad most of the U.S. agreed with me...lol