Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our "Extra" Yard ~ LOVE IT!

So our new house sits on an interesting lot! It is approximately 60x180. Plenty of yard, but definitely not quite as big as our Jeanerette house which sits on a 160x180 lot. But there has been a treat involved with our choice of lots!

There is a Coulee (a small stream, bayou or canal) that runs behind our house. On the other side of the Coulee is a field and a pond of sorts. Well, the land our subdivision sits on was an old sugarcane field. The contractors had to build up the land about 4 feet before building. Well, where our property line ends, there is a drop off which is where to original land sat. And beyond that there is about another 20 feet until you get to the Coulee. This land is basically ours, but couldn't be listed as part of the property because of the water way.

Well, like some of our neighbors, we have decided to take advantage of this additional land. And who wouldn't want a backyard with a view of nature! I have woken up many mornings, gone into the kitchen to open our roman shades and watched an egret walking along or sitting in one of our trees! I absolutely love it! We also have an Oak tree, which we are lucky to have and hopefully Regan's tree swing will be hanging from it soon! I know she has missed it!

Well, back to the story. So in December we paid the boy down the street to clear the area for us. He chopped down all the vines and trees. He never actually finished, so the other day Bub and I got on it!

Doesn't it look nice?? This was covered in trees and wood and all kinds of stuff! You can actually see the ground now! The plan is to put up a 6 foot fence on the left and right sides of the yard. And across the back, before the drop into the additional land, we will put a 4 foot fence with a gate. That way we can still see our "nature" and can have a privacy fence up! Speaking of nature, did I mention too that the sun sets just behind those trees?? Every evening we are greeted with the most beautiful colors stretched across the sky!! I will have to take a few pictures one day and share!

This is the view from our house
You can see Bub on the lower part by the Coulee

Working hard

Burning the trees and twigs!

Well we are almost done with our little project, at least for now! I hope to put a comfy bench or chair down there so I can enjoy the quietness of our yard!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I left you an award on my blog.

Come on over and get it.