Monday, January 26, 2009

I Got An Award!!

I am actually a little blushed because it all!! I know people visit my blog and some occasionally even comment, but never did I imagine someone would think it was worthy of an award!! Kim of The Little Things is so sweet and is the one who gave me this awesome honor!!

By being the recipient of this award there are a few rules I must follow. They go a little something like this:

Rule #1: Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.
Rule #2: Show the 7 winners' names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with the "Honest Scrap" award.
Rule #3: List at least ten honest things about yourself.

And the winners are.......(drum roll)........

The Bayou Belles and their Beau

Unlikely Oilfield Wife

Barleycorn Family

My Girl


So I Started a Group


Okay, that was the easy part! Now for the last task! 10 Honest Things About ME! I will try!

  1. I am an all or nothing person! If I do something I do it all the way and do it right! If I love someone I love them with all of myself! You will never get half effort or half a friendship or half of my love and attention!
  2. I am very family oriented! It hurts me when families fight or people cannot just be together and love each other! Without family we wouldn't be who we are! I have always lived away from part of my family. Since I was a little girl all I've ever wanted was for all of my family to be in the same state! Not spread between 3!
  3. I LOVE to dance! I wish I had done something about it when I was younger! At 30 it seems silly to take classes and want to dance all the time! But I do love it and it brings me so much happiness!
  4. I am addicted to shopping! I love to browse and buy! When I am down, shopping will make me forget all and feel better! Buying things for Regan and Bub makes me really happy! Actually more so than buying for myself!!
  5. I am an animal lover to the bone! I think life would be a lot less enjoyable without having critters around. We have 2 cats and 1 dog. The bring a lot of life to our home!!
  6. I have always wanted to be a mom! Always! And I always knew I wanted to stay home and raise them! Being hands on and experiencing everything is what I dreamt of doing. I was blessed with a great husband who made this wish come true for me! I will forever be grateful for that too!
  7. I organize a playgroup. Have done so for over 4 years. Funny thing is I think I was made to organize and bring people together! It has been a great experience and I have met so many wonderful people!
  8. I am a very competitive person! Playing cards, dominoes, any kind of games brings out a different side of me! I love to think and strategizing! Regan has become a lover of games as well so we do family night games almost every night! It rocks!
  9. I love music! All types! Most people are surprised at the amount of different songs I know! Too bad I don't have a singing voice like half of my family!
  10. I really enjoy blogging! It has been a great addition to my life! It allows me to keep our families in Oregon and Texas and even around Louisiana up to date on the craziness we call life! I love seeing that people have visited and read!
Well, I hope that wasn't too boring! lol I am not the most interesting person in the world and it seems so silly to write random things about myself! lol

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I never thanked you for the award. Thanks! I did get this one already, but really do appreciate it.