Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year!! A Fresh Start & A New Outlook!

First, I am pleased to say that I indeed made it a whole year of blogging! I truly assumed I'd make good attempt to keep it up, but by George, I actually found things to write about!! Interesting enough, my intention for my blog was to write about the oddities in my life. The funny stories, the strange stuff that is in my head, realizations and even things I ponder and/or cannot seem to figure out at all. For 2008, my blog turned out to be a diary of sorts. Which, I guess is what I was needing it for at the time! So all in all I am quite proud of myself!

I am very excited about the new year! I have so many ideas and interests and I think I will finally be able to slow down enough to make them all happen! Now that we are in the new house and mostly settled - I will finally be able to start dedicated time to volunteering! I have been wanting this for so long, but living in Jeanerette made so many things so inconvenient! Not to mention that by Fall Regan will be in school 5 days a week and I will need something extracurricular to make me feel useful! Now the task of where my time is needed and where I will be useful is next!

I am not one to make resolutions! The way I look at it, I don't need a new year to set goals. And too, who really sees these things out?? No one really ever resolves to do something easy! It's always quitting smoking, losing weight or something else they have been unable to do over the previous year(s). Why does one think that a new year and a resolution will finally trigger something? I just don't get it!

At the beginning of each year what I usually do is reflect over the past year. In doing this I usually say stuff like "I wish we would have spent more time with the family" or "I wish we did more around the house or in the yard" or "Why didn't we find the time to take a family vacation this year?". The things that I wish I had done or said or whatever is what becomes my "Plan" for the new year! If you wish to call it a resolution, so be it!

So here it is:

In 2009 I resolve to...........
  • Spend more time doing those little family things (going on walks, playing games, reading, going to the movies, etc) each day. She will be grown before I know it!
  • Take the time to go visit Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Greats. Family is important.
  • Send cards letting people know I think of them often and they are important to me
  • Spend time doing the creative things I enjoy - crocheting, painting, taking photos
  • Revel in every moment spent with Bub and Regan and those I love! Life is short!
  • Continue being the best wife and mom I can be! Bub and Regan deserve that!
  • Slow down! Live each day the best way I can and have no regrets!
As you can tell my hopes for the new year are just to enjoy it. Spend all the time I can doing the things I love with the people I love! At the end of the day, and at the end of a lifetime it is who you touched and who you loved that really counts! How hard you worked or how much money you made isn't what will matter then!

AS far as my blogging is concerned, I hope my life will slow down enough to be less of a diary and more of a place for my thoughts and such! But, since I can never know what the year will have in store - I guess we will just have to see!

I hope those who read will continue to do so! Please subscribe if you are an avid reader and I hope to hear from you from time to time! It's nice to know what I put on here is being read! I hope you like the new look! I am finally going to take the time to start prettying up my blog and hopefully will even add a signature soon! See, I am already starting to slow down and take time for me! :o)

Happy New Year!!!

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