Sunday, December 28, 2008

Rain = Lazy!!

Oh my goodness, do I miss being lazy!!!! lol

Before Regan, Bub and I would stay up till dawn playing games with friends or watching movies. We'd follow the night up by sleeping well until noon or after. And depending on the day, we might wake up and do the same thing all over the next day!!

Nowadays, I am lucky if I even get to sleep past 7 am and if I can stay in the house all day! You know - no shower, wearing PJs all day and no BRA! woo hoo! This happens to me maybe once every 4 or 5 months! Don't get me wrong, I love being on the go! Hell, I purposely stay busy, as busy as I can be actually! When Bub is off shore, it makes the time pass quickly and before I know it he is home again!

Here lately though I have been burning my candle at both ends! And every now and then there has been a glimmer that we would be able to stay home and do nothing! Well, today it finally happened! Of course there was definitely a few things I could have done, but it rained on and off all day and it was nice to just stay in! And we did and I LOVED every minute of it!! (you cannot see it, but that statement was followed my a huge cheesy grin!)

I did not clean anything except for the dishes made by lunch and supper. Actually the house was already clean, but I do have some laundry I should have tended to. Hell, there seems to ALWAYS be laundry that needs tending to! LMAO! We have watched countless hours of NCIS and CSI and House, recorded over the last few days. I love those holiday rerun-fests. It lets us see any we may have missed! Sounds boring right? Well, sometimes boring is a nice change from on the go and overstimulated! :)

Well, I will soon bake some huge chocolate chip cookies and do a little more couch potato cuddling with Bub and Regan and the critters! Here's to a well deserved relaxing, lazy day!!! Cheers!!

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