Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Religion Rant

I was not raised in a religion, though when I was about 10 my mom started us with Jehovah's witnesses (which 1/2 of my family is), then in Jr High I latched onto a friend and started going to a Christian church with his family. My ex husband and his family were Catholic and the other half of my family is Catholic. I have had a taste of all of those and attended a non denominational/gospel church for a few years and been to a Lutheran church. I am extremely open minded, I do not attend church but take it upon myself to live my life the best way I know how. I try to live in a way that I can be proud and have no regrets. I do believe in God and pray and thank him daily. My daughter was baptized when she was little. I cannot classify myself to a religion because I feel that if I were to be "a religion" I would need to do it all the way! And since there are things about Catholicism and J.W.'s, I cannot fully commit. And picking and choosing what I do or do not want to abide by is just not how it works.......contrary to what many people seem to think!

I have encountered far too many people who, let's say - smoke pot. They know it is wrong, they admit it, ask for forgiveness then do it again. When I asked this one girl about it she said all I have to do is ask for forgiveness and I will be forgiven. So, basically her interpretation is that she can continuously commit sins, as long as she remembers to ask for forgiveness. DO WHAT?! So does that mean that everyone should do whatever they want, killing and hurting people all their lives and then on their death bed all they have to do is ask God to forgive them and their sins will be washed away?? What about those of us who live a good life? Whether it be in church every week or outside of it??

I HATE people who talk religion and then do horrible things! Do you know the people that I see behaving the worst, judging the most and committing the most sins are ALWAYS the ones who claim to be so religious. Can someone PLEASE help me to understand this??

In my life I do the right thing because I want to. Because I want to live the right way and be a good role model for my child. Being proud of the life I lead is what is important to me. Not doing something bad just because I think I can say sorry and make it all okay! What does anyone learn by repeating bad behavior??

Anyways, I got into this topic because of a post a read on the Acadiana Moms site. It was about how a Priest in South Carolina is asking anyone who voted for Obama not to take communion. So this article was posted and chat about religions and beliefs ensued and I was really in awe! The Priests pick and chose it seems what it wants to stand up for and probably only when it's convenient for them. Telling people that based on their political beliefs they have sinned and should not partake in communion. Wow!

I voted for Obama and am proud of it. Everyone has something that drives them, something they are passionate about and topics that are important to them. (I will talk politics another day!) I thought that the cardinal rule of most religions is Thou Shalt Not Judge......but I assume this is only when it is in the best interest of whomever is in power! Or power - trippin! LOL

Anyways, I am done ranting! I plan to find us a church soon here in Broussard. There is a church I have in mind and I hope it works out!

On a final note, whatever religion you choose, whatever God you pray to, just please commit. If you are going to go to church or call yourself a Christian or Catholic or anything else - proudly conduct yourself as such. No one can bash you for that!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I totally get where you are coming from! I have not only been in, but my family has, been an array of religons and they all have their good and bad points. The main thing is to find a place to simply live out your faith with your family. It may take some searching, but I think it's worth it! Your blog is precious!