So, we still have not found a buyer for our house. Someone came to look at the house on Wednesday. The report suggests that our house is on her short list, and she will probably be back with her husband to look again. I was told this would happen within days, so I am thinking that one is a no go too! We also found out the date of our walk-through and our date of closing on the same day. This is both excited and we have not gotten a sale on the house! As it stands right now, we close on October 30th. So the clock is ticking.
Earlier in the week I placed an ad in the Quick Quarter to rent out this house. It came out on Thursday and within the first 2 days we have 6 or 7 calls. We are glad because we were sure if we were pricing it right. Now, all we need is the green light that our lender will allow us to carry both mortgages. If we cannot, I am really not sure what we will do or what will happen! Please pray that all goes well.
In other drama! I hate it! I won't get into it as it does not directly involve me. But my family is probably on the way to ruins as I write this and it is very upsetting. One person is causing the issues and everyone else is suffering because of it. This will be the 1st Christmas since Mamaw passed away. I am supposed to be hosting Christmas this year, but from the looks of it, there will be a lot less people there! If never I believed it before, I now know for sure that money is the root of all evil!! ..........this just sucks!
My mom flew in on Thursday and will be here for not quite 2 weeks. It has come at a good time with all that is going on and with Papaw selling his house! Momma can help with the cleaning and decluttering! Last night we all went to Pat's for Papaw's Alumni Dinner. We had a lot of fun! There was a really good cajun band and the food was really good. I really wish Papaw's leg wasn't so bad, I REALLY want to dance with him!! Him and Mamaw used to really cut a rug (hehee I can't believe I used that term! lol) and I remember watching them dance at Mulate's when I was knee high! They seemed to almost be connected and move as one. I love watching people like that!
Well, we made a night of it! We didn't leave Pat's until after 11pm. By the time Bub and I dropped them off, picked up Regan and got home, it was 1 am. I was designated driver, which was just fine by me!
Tonight is Papaw's actual 50th High School Reunion in Breaux Bridge. Might be another long night! lol But partying with old people isn't so bad, and any excuse to spend time with Papaw is good enough for me!! :oD
Lastly, I officially signed up for the Latin dance class on Monday nights! I have a partner and Catherine and her partner will also be there! I am VERY excited! I will let you know how it goes! Hopefully I still have's been a very long time since I salsa'ed and I don't even know if this class includes salsa! Heehee!
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