Saturday, August 9, 2008

Our Own Little Hairdresser

Ever since Regan figured out how to put rubber bands in her baby's hair, she would sit for probably hours putting in and taking out little ponytails. It's cute. And it's a lot cheaper than the diaper phase she was in. (buying real diapers for a baby doll sucks! lol especially when your kid is long out of diapers and now spends all her time changing her babies and leaving rolled up diapers sprinkled throughout the house!)

Well, when I woke up this morning, Regan was sitting next to my head, watching the Disney channel and "braiding" her Barbie's hair! I was awe! When do when do four year olds figure this stuff out??

Do you know that at barely 4 she learned how to tie her shoe?? She ties everyone's shoes at her school! And she does it right, tight and even double knots. She calls it a bow-knot! lol She just amazes me sometimes at how quick to learn things she is! Now if she can just learn how to listen! LMAO!!!

Anyways, back to the possible hairdresser on my hands! Can I just say her Mamaw would be so proud!! :o) Well, here is my proud little girl and her Barbie! Be sure to click on the picture to see it enlarged. They almost look like little dreads.

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