Let me back up a little. After the appraisal came back low, the buyer decided to drop a bomb. Since we wouldn't be paying his closing costs, he wants to push the closing date to September 15th. This of course made me VERY angry. Please keep in mind that I am already paying for a rental for the month of August, when closing isn't even scheduled until the end of August. Now I will have paid for a month for no reason!
The reason he needs to push the date is because he has nothing saved and needs time to come up with his closing costs. So my thought was, if he needs more time, we stay in the house until October when our house is finished. If he cannot do that we close as planned and he needs to come up with his money.
So this was what was offered and Joan (my agent) relayed the info to his agent this morning. So when I get the call this afternoon, I am told there is no way he can let us stay there because he doesn't have a place to live.
Now hold the damn script......... this man is probably getting my house for way cheaper, and somehow him not having money saved AND not having a place to live is my problem?! WTF??
But wait, it gets better! When my agent FINALLY gets all of this in writing, 3 days later, that man has added in that he wants us to pay for his appraisal!! HA! Now I KNOW he is out of his damn mind!! I'll pay for his damn appraisal if he pays $850 for August's rent in a house we may not even ever move into! Bastard!!
Tomorrow we are paying to have a new appraisal done. It's $300 out of my pocket, but the broker is coming out with the appraiser to make SURE it is done right! We will either find out that there really is a big difference in our worth as the appraisal said or he will prove they were stupid. Obviously we all know what outcome I prefer!!
I think the lady who did the first appraisal didn't know what the hell she was doing. My agent and I found Comps very reasonable, and yes, even in Jeanerette that prove that our pricing was on the mark!! I guess tomorrow we will see!
Then there is the FRIDGE! I have not had a good working fridge since the 2nd week of July!! I bought a small one to leave at this house or to bring to the new house and put in the garage. Well, it never worked right from the start. I called the repair guy for him to come out and an hour before he came home it started to run right. So, it worked for a week, though it was super freezing in the freezer and had freezing spots in the fridge, but I dealt with it. Then after a few more days it stopped working again! So I called Lowe's and asked if we could exchange for the model we'd bring into our new house and not mess with these little fridges we didn't care about. They said yes and almost 2 weeks ago we went to select and pay for the new fridge. It wasn't in stock so we had to wait for it, which at the time was fine because the little one here was chugging along! So after this day, we have the small $500 fridge that keeps crapping out and the new $1200 fridge. They said I couldn't get a refund for the first one until they dropped the new one off and picked that one up. Then I'd have to drive back to Lowe's to get my money back! Ugh!
Anyways, on to today....
So the fridge starts going warm again yesterday. I can NOT lose another fridge full of food!! Actually, the new fridge was supposed to be delivered yesterday as well, which would seem like perfect timing! It would have been, if the fridge had actually come in!! It is on back order until the maybe the 20th! Well, I just cannot deal with this, so I called Lowe's and let them know that I need a fridge! At this point I have paid $1700 towards fridges and I either do not have or they do not work! What they hell is up with this! lol
So, yaay me, I got to drive to Lowe's at 6 pm tonight and pick out a new fridge. And the downfall to that is I HAD to pick something they had in stock, which limited me on my choices! The one I picked is pretty much the same as the GE I picked and was waiting for, so lets hope it is! Thankfully they will be making sure they deliver it tomorrow, so that rocks! And it IS the least they can do!!
It looks like I will be getting compensated a little for my troubles too! The GE I just got a refund for - to get the new Whirlpool, came with a rebate for the delivery charge. It's $55. Well, I still have my receipt and the rebate for that one and got one to refund the new fridge, too! Hell, it's worth a try, especially if you include all of the trips to NI over this crap and the food I've lost and replaced, then lost and replaced again.....oh and might lose again! *sigh
Lastly, I took Regan to see the new house. She hasn't seen it since Bub and I have. They drywall was all stacked in the house and the brick was on site and waiting to be put up! I figure it'll be up in the next few days as they are working on the neighbor's and it seemed to be moving along quite fast! I will swing through on Friday after playgroup to see if there has been any more progress!!
Here is Regan posing in front! She looks so tiny! lol
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