Saturday, August 16, 2008

. Laundry . 3-D .

Today has been a nothing day!

"Whatcha doin?" Nuthin!

"What did yall do today?" Nuthin'

"What are ya doin tonight?" Nuthin'

Now, don't get me wrong, there is plenty that I could be doing today! I have a jam packed full next week and have decided I'm gonna catch a break where I can! I have done a little laundry. I am washing and drying everything and will do all the folding and hanging tomorrow. I also need to wash the sheets tomorrow too.

Can I just say I HATE doing laundry! For half the month it is just Regan and I, and I am always surprised when I see the amount of clothes waiting for me after only a few days! Sigh

Today Regan found a pair of 3-D glasses I picked up at Walmart weeks ago. They are for the Hannah Montana / Mylie Cyrus 3-D concert I DVRed for her. She came around the corner when I was sorting laundry with the glasses on. She said "look momma, Hannah Montana!". I cracked up. I told her about the "movie" I recorded for her and asked if she wanted to watch it. She excitedly said yes!

The rest is, well.................

As you can see our day was not eventful at all! Other than laundry and Hannah, and now blogging I have been watching all the items I have listed on ebay! I am making a killing. I am not only de cluttering, I'm also making money to put towards all the new stuff I am buying for the house! That is a WHOLE nother topic, one that will fill it's on day! lol (stay tuned! lol) I've found some really great ideas, some really neat items and finds! I want to share everything when I have more time and get my thoughts together!

Well, Regan wants to type her name on the computer, so off I go.

Today's final thought...........................

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