Sunday, August 17, 2008

Forward Thinking - Halloween

Well, it's already crossing my mind....the all important Halloween Costumes!!

If you know us at all, you'll know how "hardcore" dressing up we are! LOL Not really hardcore per say, more like die hard! We ALWAYS dress as a family! We have since Regan was 1 and it's so much fun!!

Regan's 1st Halloween
(she was actually in the newspaper this day!)

Sock Hoppers & Greaser (1 Year Old)

Pirates (2 Years Old)

Raggedy Anns & Andy (3 Years Old)

As you can see, we have a blast!! I am not sure how long Regan will let us pick what she'll wear, so we're gonna milk it for as long as we can!

I have picked all the themes and come up with all the costumes the last 3 years. Bub says he gets to pick this year and since last Halloween has made mention to crazy dead clowns or something! LOL I guess we shall see! Bub won't be in the Halloween - which BUMS me out! So I guess our full family dress-up is in the air until we figure it all out!

I am thinking Witches & Warlocks or something, but if Daddy is home and we dress up he gets to definitely pick! And........I am a little scared by that! LOL


Cole Hanson said...

So, what are you thinking ?

Just Being Me said...

LOL Everyone usually asks how I get my husband to go along! :o)