Friday, April 18, 2008

In Shock!!

Well SHIT! This has completely just crept up on me, but I JUST realized I am going to be THIRTY is about 3 1/2 weeks! Someone please tell me how that happened?!?

It's so true what they say, 30 isn't old! But I remember being about 11 or so and thinking about how far away 21 was! I just couldn't even fathom being that age or imagine what it would be like. But as with everything else, before I knew it, it came!

29 has been a great age! I've had a WONDERFUL and BLESSED year!! I feel that I am just finally finding myself and feeling more and more comfortable in my own skin and with my own identity! Don't get me wrong, I have always loved myself and been who I am. But I am coming into a time in my life where my confidence is soaring, my life truly rocks and the future is really bright!

My husband is such a beautiful and caring person and he really is my soul mate. My daughter is such a blessing and I am so thankful to have her and to be a mom. My friends are amazing and have really been wonderful to me!

As much as I am dreading the big 3 - 0 I know it is primarily due to the social stigma that surrounds the turning of this age. I actually am ready to start my climb "over the hill". Most of the women in my family age gracefully and do indeed get better with age. So, I guess I will just hope for the "good genes" in the family and take the leap!!'s to leaving my 20's!! YIKES!!

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