Sunday, January 13, 2008

SSI and Other Annoying things!

So, I get to looking at Bub's last check stub for the year. BIG mistake!

First I notice that we have paid more that $3K this year for our insurance, yet, we never met our $500 family deductible! We are rarely sick. So we paid over $3000 for insurance we didn't even use! Are you kidding me?! Even if something big happened, it is highly unlikely we would have bills totaling $6K +, since this is what happened last year as well! Such bullshit!

Next I get to looking at some code. Turns out it is Social Security. They have taken out about twenty dollars less than the amount that was put into his 401K. No shit?! And supposedly by the time we are old enough to partake in this SSI fund, it will no longer exist. Our 401K would be double for the year, which it should be since THAT is what we would be using for our retirement! Sucks that all the people who spent the original SSI are DEAD! Assholes! Thanks for looking out for the future!!

We are definitely going to get a handle on our savings and unlike my family.....teach our daughter to save, save, save! Oh yeah, and to go to college and be a self sufficient woman!

Well, that is the rant for now. I am sure there will be more later when we file our taxes this year!!

........walking away to go cuss right now!!

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