I am just in the best mood! Not sure what it is, I guess it's just the combination of a bunch of things, but life is good!
Life is always good, no matter how rough it may be. But when things settle and I look around, I am so very grateful and happy!
My daughter is beautiful and so very smart and is growing up so much each day!
My husband is the rock of this family! He works his ass off (even though I give him hell and tell him he doesn't) to give us a really great life! We are able to do what we want and get what we need when we need it! And most of all it allows me to stay home and raise our family and make the best of every moment!
I am blessed to be pregnant again and so grateful that it was even possible! Though having a boy was such a scary thought, I couldn't be happier about him or about our family growing!!
I have the most perfect marriage! I mean, who gets to marry their best friend and soul mate and spend all their time laughing and goofing off?! We do and I love it! I laugh so much when he is home and it makes life that much better!
We have been blessed with some really amazing friends! I can say that some of them I thought I'd never be close to, partly because of my stand -off-ish nature when it comes to letting people get close to me! But I admittedly have some of the most trustworthy, do anything for you friends and I am glad they are mine!!
My playgroup has now been around for 5 1/2 years! It is successful mostly because we have the cream of the crop when it comes to amazing women! It is a privilege to be in this group and around these women!!
All in all, I have nothing to complain about! And in a world that is very upside down and uncertain, it is great to feel this way I think!! :o)
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