Saturday, August 8, 2009

For The Love of a Deviled Chicken

Like most people I am sure, I go through phases. Small obsessions with an item or food. Lets just call them momentary addictions.......

Well, the past few weeks it has been this::

Behold Underwood's Chicken Spread. I have always referred to it as Deviled Chicken, as it's counterpart is the Deviled Ham.

Now while I am not a fan of the Deviled Ham, hell I am not sure I've ever had it really, I am in LOVE with this chicken in a can!

I am sure you are probably gagging and thinking this is something like a potted meat. This definitely isn't a cheap meat in a can!

Deviled Chicken reminds me of when my family lived in California. We would go to the beach all day and for lunch my mom would make us these sandwiches. They were so good! The best part is you don't need any condiments. All you need is bread, this can and something to spread it with. No soggy sandwiches!

I have been obsessing over these the past few weeks as I said before. I bought a few cans to keep in the pantry in case we headed to the sprinkler park or something. Well, by the time I got home I was craving some. I ended up eating what I bought over the next 2 days.

At almost $2 a can, it is pricey for a little can that makes me 1 1/2 well filled sandwiches. But at the same time, that's a $2 meal and one that I L-O-V-E! :o)

At the moment I have about 6 or 7 cans in the pantry. Every time I head to the store I grab a few! I think that's what I will be having for lunch today too!

Assuming others shared my love for this canned meat I asked a few of my girlfriends if they liked it and none seems to know what it was. And to my surprise most have never even seen it! I guess if my mom hadn't given it to me when I was a little girl I wouldn't know either! But I have to say, I am SO glad I know about it!!

So trust me and try it! It's a great pantry item!!


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