Saturday, April 18, 2009

It is Friday night, about midnight! I am sitting on the computer, listening to the rain and the ocassional clap of thunder. I love it! For some reason the sound of rain make me want to crawl into bed and get the best sleep I've ever had!

Today has been a great day! Not unlike any other Friday, but a great day! We went to see our playgroup friends at Kart Ranch, one of our favorite hangouts. There is much to do and we love going there, Regan and I! Plus, seeing our friends is always a treat! After our naps, yes I even took one today, we got ready to head out. Regan was going to Cousin Billy's to hang out and I headed to Zea's for a few drinks and a great dinner with some of my girlfriends. It was nice! ...well except when Shari got mad at the waitress, but the chocolate mousse pie fixed that bad mojo! Oh and the 1 1/2 margaritas helped on my end! hheehee

After supper I went to pick up my kiddo and spent about an hour with the cousins! Billy and Jared are fun to be around! Plus, it is fun to pick on guys bigger than me that won't punish me back! lol Regan and I dashed to the truck about 10 because it was starting to flicker outside and the sky was about to open up. And boy did it! A great day to have a garage for sure!

We got home, Regan ate apples and fell asleep watching Angelina Ballerina. I chatted on Facebook with Kelly and then decided I felt like blogging. As you can see, nothing really compelling to write about. Just a day in our lives. It was a good day. I am missing Bub though. Which is all the time really. But I am used to being on my own for half the time. It's just what we do!

The next few days are going to be hectic. I need to finally prep the guest room for guests! I have been putting that off since we moved in around the 1st of November! lol Bub will be home at the end of the month and then shortly after his dad and step-mom will be coming for a visit. End of May my mom and sister should be down and then beginning of July Bub's mom will be here! Dang, I should start charging for that guest room! We might be able to fund one of our projects for the house! lol

Anyways, in addition to the guest room I need to get everything ready for our trip to San Antonio! So if I am MIA for a while, that is why. BUT......there will be lots to report and tons of pictures to share I am sure!

Be Blessed!!!


Kelly said...

You know, I was thinking after we got off facebook last night. We were together for 5 hours yesterday between KR and dinner, then chatted for 45 minutes on FB last night. What the hell to do we find to talk about so much? LOL Enjoy your weekend my friend!

Jenn D. said...

Ooooh, I would love to know what Shari got mad about!! wish I could have been there, but my little one is sick and I couldn't stand leaving him again!

Just Being Me said...

Kelly, I doubt we'll ever run out of things to talk about! lol

Jenn, the girl put her soup on Kelly's ticket. Redid them both, but didn't bring Shari a new itemized with the new charge, only brought an itemized to Kelly. Boy she was mad, scratched that tip right off that receipt. Then the girl asked about it, and Shari was mad cause she doesn't express herself well when she is mad. It was funny! :o)

Unlikely Oilfield Wife said...

The rain last night was insane! I should have looked at the forecast before I set my heart on lighting the fire pit lol.

Just Being Me said...

Yeah, I had no idea that rain was coming!

I have to add thought, I did get a great nights sleep!!