Yesterday, March 23rd I did something I was really not ready to do! I had to go register Regan for Kindergarten. Yep, you read it right! My little girl will be in big girl school in just a little over 4 months!! Eeek!
About 10 am Regan and I headed into Youngsville to G.T. Lindon. I sat down in the tiniest of chairs and filled out the largest stack of papers. The amount of papers wasn't bad, it was the fact that each sheet required that I fill out a lot of the same information I had on the previous 2 papers! It seemed to take forever, especially with a very excited not yet 5 year old squirming next to me.
As usual, Regan wasn't shy at all. About halfway through our time there she started chatting it up with one of the teachers. She asked her what her name was, asked the lady if she knew her name and how to spell it. She then chatted about how long her hair was and that this was going to be her school. That she would be 5 soon and would come there to go to Kindergarten.
I also had a glimpse of what I am sure will happen for a while! Once I gave my stack of forms to the teacher to check over them, she wrote Regan's name on a ledger. After looking at her name on the paper AND Regan spelling it for her, she spelled it wrong! Sigh! I corrected her and she comment that she did it even with Regan spelling it for her. I have a HUGE problem with people not taking the care to spell her name right! I will definitely be upset if Regan arrives home with papers and her names is misspelled!
Once we were done I was told we would be getting a notice in the mail regarding a date they are scheduling Regan for her entrance evaluation.
As we are heading down the hall toward the front of the building I saw the cafeteria. There are kids all lined up waiting for their little trays of food! It really was cute. I walked Regan closer to the door and told her that she would be eating lunch here next year. That is when the lump rose in my throat and it hit me, my daughter is far too young to be going to lunch like this. She is just not big enough yet! But before I could say anything else I lead Regan out the doors of the school before everything really sunk in and I was the dorky mom standing in the school hallway crying!
I am really not ready for this! As big as she is, this is just such a big step. This changes everything! Nothing will ever be as simple as it has been in the last 4-ish years! Starting in August my child will be away from me for 7 hours a day......FIVE days a week! It will be like I will hardly see her! Sigh! Granted, I do really enjoy the 2 days a week she is in school. I need those days sometimes to regroup and accomplish a lot of things. But 5 days?! And this is practically for forever! you detect a slight hint of me freaking out?!?!
Well, maybe by August I will be more prepared for the huge changes. I guess the one bonus is that Regan is very ready. She really is ready to start learning and I am sure she will love everything about school. So I guess now it's time for me to "man up" and stop being so sad about all of it!
OH, I remember the first day of Pre-K like it was yesterday and I'm gonna have to do it again this August with my middle dd.
You WILL cry and you are NOT a dork. It's hard for us moms to let go, but our little girls need to spread their wings. Trust that you have given her all the tools necessary to do so successfully.
The hardest part is also the one that will help you cope. And that's when she jumps out the car and forgets to say goodbye b/c she can't wait to go and meet her friends.
I am definitely not looking forward to the emotional turmoil for sure! LOL It is not going to be easy! Thanks for the advice! I plan to prep myself in the next few months for all of it! lol
You'll be fine!!
And Kim is sooo right! When she jumps out the car because she is actually excited to be there is when you know she's ok... then you will be ok.
And knowing Regan... that will be day 2 :)
Everyone ALWAYS forgot the E on the end of my last name and my dad would get so upset! He would write it in with a big black marker.
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