Saturday, March 28, 2009

Labeling People with "Disorders"

Why does our society this day and age think that everything needs a label or a name?! Take OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) for example. Why does this negative label even need a place in the world?!

When I was young, children or people in general who did things a certain way, preferred things organized just so or liked to keep things neat and tidy were......well....... picky or organized. Finicky even. They didn't have a "disorder" to speak of.

So really, what is wrong with developing a personality of your own? At my age, I have been doing things a really long time. Long enough to develop a system. A system which helps me complete tasks more efficiently and that are within my means and time restraints. One example is how I load my dishwasher. By doing this task in a certain order, I am able to make sure everything gets clean and in addition I am able to get everything to fit in one load. Somehow, this makes me "compulsive". And too, the fact that a cabinet door being left open driving me crazy, or my silverware not stacked just so bothering me is just no reason to tell me that I have a problem!

All I know is that I don't have a disorder or an issue. What I have is a system in life that makes tasks and life in general easier. And if preferring a simplistic and easier life means I have to carry a label, then I want to make up my own!

I hereby declare that I am an Adept Fastidious Matriarch. And the things I choose to be picky about can further be blamed on those three words! :o)

Have a great night my fellow Adept Fastidious Matriarchs (or Patriarchs).

1 comment:

Kendra said...

That picture would bother my 2 year old. Braxton likes to line things up perfectly. LOL!