Monday, February 16, 2009

Stuck to the Bottom of My Shoe!

So I've got this nasty gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe that I cannot seem to pry off of me.

Well, upon inspecting it further I am finding that it is actually a piece of stinky, worthless, immoral and immature piece of shit! For some reason this piece of shit has just attached itself to the sole of my shoe. And try as I may to scrap this disgusting thing off and keep it away from me, it seems to just follow me wherever I go! Maybe one day this piece of shit will get a life and find enough self respect to not call people's children names and exploit things told to them in confidence.

So to the piece of shit stuck to my shoe and stalking me, get a life and stop making things worse! You will eventually have to look me in the face!

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