Monday, August 11, 2008

Today is about Regan

I guess some days she just surprises me and today was a BIG one!!

First, if you know my kid you know she is a sassy, quirky, funny little drama queen! Everyone that meets her always feels compelled to express how cute or pretty or smart she is! I think this has A LOT to do with why she is so sassy and doesn't take the word no to easily! Even strangers spoil her and contradict me! UGH

Anyways, Regan is a pretty smart girl. She is very independent and has been very early doing almost everything! Well, my surprise came today when I got up and saw that she had made her bed already! And before this, without being asked, she let the dog out, fed her and gave her a treat! When I said "oh wow, you made your bed already?" she said "yep and I cleaned my room to!". Can you just say jaw....lying on the floor?? I was so excited! I told her since she did all that and without even being asked, that we might have to go and spend her allowance and maybe get a new Barbie! She was really happy to hear that!

Of course the rest of the day wasn't without it's events! Regan has this very big attitude randomly and it drives me insane. It's like have a 12 year old trapped in a 4 year olds body. It's a lot of snappy "I told you so", "well YEAH" "oh yes you will" (when I've told her no I won't do something), of course non of these are without a head wiggle. It drives me insane! Granted, I KNOW that I am the animated one and that half of what she learned is from me. But when she does this it's always out of nowhere and it's just ugly!! We are working on it. She almost didn't get her Barbie today, actually, we almost didn't leave the house because of the attitude! But she was really very good today and I am very proud of her. And with the added stress I am dealing
with, it was nice to not have to fuss at her all day!!

Bedtime lately has gotten to be the biggest sore spot of the day! A few weeks ago I ended up changing her bedtime from 8:00 to 8:30. She started playing in bed for an hour or more and all it caused was a lot of yelling and frustration on my part. So I changed it to 8:30 and for a few days it helped. The girl is just never tired!! I could let her stay up until midnight and do you know she will STILL wake up at 6:30 am?!?

Tired of the aggravation I decided to take a new approach! Half the reason I made sure she was in bed then was because by then, she was being delirious and obnoxious and after a full day I needed a break! lol But since she seems to NEVER be tired I decided that it'd be easier to let her get tired before sending her to bed. So the other day I told her she could stay up later if she stayed IN her room and watched a movie! Well, guess what - it worked!! Ha!

It's been about 4 days and it's been nice. No yelling and she goes to bed easily and is usually out within 5 minutes! Now, if only this would make her sleep in! LOL

Now, I won't be doing this forever, but I am convinced it's because she is having a major growth spurt right now! I "measured" her yesterday and she grew about 1 1/2 inches in about 4 months. She also feels REALLY heavy lately. I weighed her and it says she weighs the same! All her clothes are getting too small and OMG, she is even outgrowing her shoes!! LMAO!! And she has been eating a lot lately! Our little girl is growing up! *sniffle!

These pictures are from tonight! Her, in her room watching Cinderella....getting to stay up late!

1 comment:

Maketie said...

My Baby!!!! Hey Heather Its me, MaKennawell I just wanted to leave you a comment!!! Love you!!!!!!