Thursday, July 10, 2008


My opinions are not intended to hurt others. So I have removed my previous rant about non vaccinating your children. Those who know me know what I believe and I hope that for everyone's sake we all make the right choices for our children, because they are worth it!


Anonymous said...

Amen Heather! You know I actually thought about the autism risk when it was time for my son to get his measles vaccination. Actually didn't get the vaccination for him that day and then a day later I asked myself, what are you doing? I went back and got it and don't regret it. He gets his vaccinations when it's time for them. It's crazy to not want that for your child---not worth the risk to me.

By the way, you daughter is so beautiful! I have looked at your blog a few times and have thought, what a pretty little girl, you must be so proud!

Kim said...

Heather, I like you and I like your blog but seriously think about what you're saying before you call people stupid.

If your child had gotten autism or worse, died from a vaccine, would you still be saying that people are stupid and negligent?

Both sides of the fence are taking a chance, neither risk is significantly greater than the other and autism is not the only risk.

FWIW: I'm not anti-vaxx but I support people's decision to be so. I quit vaccinating my youngest at 6 mos and will delay until she's 4. She actually got whooping cough after getting the vaccine. Scared the crap out of me, but with the help of my homeopath we treated it. Some of those diseases can be treated, but some vaccine risks can't.

Just Being Me said...

Please keep in mind that this was a vent in my blog! It's me getting out my feelings! I get extremely angry when children are in pain and at risk. This was my blow out!

Other than this you can see I keep my opinion to myself! I don't attempt to start drama.....just venting!

Kim said...

I understand your frustration, and trust me when I say that I hate to see children suffer too.

I hate to think of kids with measles but I also hate to think of the kids dealing with autism and other neurological problems.

This is just a frustrating issue for everyone. I'd just like to see people putting their energy into making these vaccines safer so that no child needs to be put at risk for disease.

You have every right to vent your feelings on your blog and I'm sorry if it seemed like I wanted to take that away from you, that wasn't my intention. I just want our kids safe too!!)

Daisy K said...

i know what your views are and for the most part i agree with you.... but this is YOUR space... your place to say what you want!! i don't think you should have felt the need to remove your feelings from your space. i do understand the need for some people to express themselves as well but it should have never been to the point that it made you feel you had to pull your post.
i'm sorry you felt that way...