Sunday, August 31, 2008

Emotional Roller Coaster Ride!!

Well, since my blog yesterday, we started packing our bags for Regan and I and the dog to leave and head to my dad's. Then a few hours later it was all of us (people and animals) heading to my dad's and leave about 5 or 6 am. Then I called my dad and let him know we would be leaving tonight at about 7 or 8 pm..........

And now we are definitely staying!! What a crazy emotionally draining situation! I almost wish we would have just left a few days ago and called it a vacation!

At the moment Gustav is supposed to be a Cat. 3 by landfall and then weaken to a mere Tropical Storm towards Iberia Parish. Due to this, and the fact that we are on the better side of the storm (West), we are riding out the storm at night! Risking a drive that may have us wind up on the side of the road due to running out of gas, our odds are better staying here since there isn't (or should be) a threat.

We spend the morning moving the vehicles, moving things inside and Bub even tied Regan's swingset to the oak tree! lol

I will go and take more pictures tomorrow and probably throughout the storm. Here are the ones I took today.

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