Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Damn Dolly!

OMG I am so overwhelmed right now I cannot even stand it!! Waiting for the inspection and appraisal is killing me because of course the more money we make the easier things will be!! And what I am more hoping for is that even after getting into the new house, getting new furniture, TVs and a fridge, we will still have a ton left to keep in savings!! Though it isn't a necessity, it will certainly make me happy!

Next, I am trying to find us a place to stay for the 3-4 months while we wait for the house in Cypress Crossing to be completed. This sounds SO much easier than it actually is. Especially when you have 2 cats and a dog! I think I have found us a place, not exactly cheap, but will rent for short term AND will accept my critters! The next stress with this is contained in the next paragraph.......

Bub was due home on Monday, as usual. 14 days out, 14 days in. Well, there's a certain storm turned hurricane......we'll call her Dolly. Tetra decided to keep the crew out to complete their task instead of hauling the new crew in for what might be a few days. This is all fine and dandy, except Bub is missing time with us. And they will not tell him when he can expect to come home. We have contracts to sign and lots of errands to run! Oh, and I have a dance class tomorrow night for which I have no sitter because my husband was supposed to be home and I didn't secure one!!

Ugh the stress!! I don't think a handful of masseuses could get these knots out of my neck!!!


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